Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday July 9, 2010...

So this morning was my weekly weigh in and are you ready.....I hit my 25 pounds lost goal!!! It's actually 26 pounds but the token is for 25. I am almost embarrassed by how crazy excited I was to reach this goal and get this token! I really wasn't expecting it at all.

The key-ring/charm holder was my token for my 10% goal. The 5K charm was for walking in the 5K challenge....and today I got to add my 25 pound token!


Lesia said...

I felt the same giddiness when I got my 25 pound too. Just wait til you get the 50! I thought I would pee my pants from the excitement. And thanks for helping me feel better tonight about the ya.

Karla said...

so cool!!! I am an online member of the WW community, no key chains for me :/