Wednesday, February 6, 2013

In Search of Balance...

Tuesday February 5, 2013

So I'm finding that I do really well when I'm regimented and I plan and remain "in control" of everything. But the problem with that is that life isn't like that. There will always be pot luck dinners and impromptu lunches at the Chicken Pie Shop...and visits from a son who bakes chocolate chip cookies that are to die for ...

So yeah...working on that...somewhere in between strict regimen and utter lack of control there is a place of balance and moderation and I will get there!

Today I wasn't in that place of balance. I was in the place of "I can't stop eating these cookies"....sigh...I HATE having to admit that. These are the days when I find myself questioning why I ever thought that sharing these struggles publicly was a good

I did, however, walk/jog 4.4 miles. I drank my water, I tracked it all. I had weekly and activity points to "spend" on a cookie binge...

Moving on....I will learn to live a life of balance...I will...

1 comment:

WWSuzi said...

I think it's good to share because it makes us realize that this is a behaviour that we don't want!
I'm like you I like to be planned and know what I'm having and how much etc. But I have a lot of meetings to go to where dinner is served. Tomorrow in fact and I just try to do the best I can, that's all we can do.