Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Here I am....

I'm right here. I wonder if I'm ever going to become diligent to post to my blog DAILY and become a "real" blogger? Every time I come here and update my blog, I tell myself that I'm going to start to do it on a more regular basis. Then I get caught up in life, or I feel like I have nothing to say and suddenly it's been days or weeks or months since my last post. So anyway, here I am to update my blog.

So, I guess my "big news" is that a week ago I went back on "Weight Watchers." I haven't told very many people. In my "real life" I've told my bible study group and no one else. I haven't even told Vern. I guess I am embarrassed about my struggles with dieting and not wanting to "diet" and switching from this plan to that plan and back again...so I'm just keeping it mostly to myself for now.

Here's what led me back to Weight Watchers. I visit a several weight loss forums, mostly low carb forums. I see so many people trying to lose weight and taking things to the extreme with crazy crash diet versions of low carb. I have done it myself with the Kimkins diet. The combination of having fallen for Kimkins and watching people jump on whatever crazy crash diet is appearing in the forums has really led me to re-evaluate my ideas and behaviors when it comes to dieting. Somehow all of this soul searching and not wanting to be on a "diet" where certain foods are off limits and wanting to find a way to eay healthy foods and eat them in healthy amounts has led me back to Weight Watchers.

I am using the WW points system to help me learn how to eat everyday foods in healthy amounts and in healthy combinations. I realized that with all my years of doing this diet and that diet, I have no idea of how to put together a meal and just eat. As I type this I can hear my Mother's voie in my head, once again, saying, "It's not WHAT you eat, it's HOW MUCH you eat. I eat whatever I want but I eat smaller portions." Oh how I hate it when my mom is right!...LOL. I know that this might not be the case for everyone but in my case it really is a matter of how much I eat. I like huge portions of foods so a plan that says I can eat as much as I need to be satisfied doesn't work for me. Plain and simple...I struggle with the sin of gluttony. Hello, my name is Vickie, and I'm a glutton.

So anyway...the plan is to learn to eat within the parameters of the WW points system. So far I feel good about it. Along with the plan I am praying daily for God to strengthen me and enable me to overcome this sin of gluttony. And...something I haven't done in the past...I'm not sure why I haven't....I am THANKING God each day for helping me to overome my eating issues. What a novel idea.....being thankful for the day by day victories I am experiencing!

I have been on plan for one week. I am going to begin to record my menus here each day. Hey, that's a way to keep me blogging on a daily basis too!

Another tidbit of news is that even with all my struggling with all of this, I have lost 10.5 pounds since January!

OK...here's my menu for yesterday...
Oh, by the way, my target for daily points is 24. I earn additional points with exercise, and I have 35 points a week to use as I please throughout the week.

2 cups coffee with 1/2 tbs cream each
1.5 pts

3 oz chicken breast meat
1/2 cup black beans
1/2 cup FF cottage cheese
1 cup Strawberries
1/2 cup blueberries
FF yogurt 6oz
7.5 pts

3 oz roast beef
1 small baked potato
1 cup roasted brussells sprouts
small dinner salad w/ spray on dressing
10 pts

5 cups popcorn
smoothie (strawberries and FF milk)
5 pts

Total 24 points

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