Monday, May 4, 2009

Random Stuff from the Weekend....(and my weigh in)...

I've said from the beginning that I am NOT on a diet. I am using the Weight Watcher's Point System to help me to learn to eat real food, in the real world, in a healthy manner. So, I decided to make this past weekend a pointless weekend. The reality of my world is that I am going to go and eat our favorite Chicago Style Pizza with my hubby....

When Vern got home from working Saturday morning and I was home from PeWee soccer, we went to our favorite pizza joint for lunch...

I am ashamed to admit that not so very long ago, when I was "dieting," I would easily consume 3 or 4 slices of this pizza. There was a "deprivation mindset" that I had. I was "going off of my diet" so I'd better REALLY make the most of it and eat all of the pizza I could stuff in my face. Let me tell you....3-4 pieces from THIS pizza is A LOT of food! Now when we go, I can eat 2 slices and be satisfied...and I can "feel" myself getting to the place where one is going to be enough for me.

After lunch we went for a walk along the waterfront, through Embaradero Park. I love living in San Diego!

Although it was a pointless weekend I ate my healthy meals for the most part. My goal is to one day just be able to live and eat like a normal person without having to count points and measure portions. So, I wanted to allow myself to go to the pizza joint for lunch and then resume my healthy eating habits even though I wasn't counting points. Here are a couple of random meals that I had during the weekend.

Breakfast Saturday morning was cold cereal...puffed kamut, Fiber One, a sliced banana, a few blueberries, and Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla "milk"

Lunch after church yesterday was "Naked Nuggets" and baked "fries." I loved these chicken nuggets that I found at Costco. Thy are similar to the chicken nuggets at fast food places but there's no breading on them. 7 nuggets have 140 calories, 3 gms fat, 1 gm of fiber for 3 points...not that I was counting, mind you!

Of course I ate other meals and snacks throughout the weekend but I didn't keep track or take photos. For someone who has spent a lifetime on a "diet" it was really scary for me to face the scale this morning. I almost talked myself out of it but then I realized that in the "real world" you are accountable for the choices you make...and there would be no way for me to know if I can do pointless weekends successfully if I don't face the scale each week. So I mentally prepared myslef for whatever the scale was going to have to say to me this morning. It almost amuses me...the fact that I am frightened of the scale. Anyway, I steeled myself for whatever it was going to say and imagine my delight and surprise when it said this.....

A loss of 2.4 pounds this week! Nice!!

You might notice that I cropped this photo more than usual. That's the thing about having a glass scale....there was a reflection...a reflection of things that don't belong on a family friendly blog! Whew!! I am glad I noticed THAT before I just stuck it on here!!!


Kelly the Happy Texan said...

Woohoo! that's a pretty big weight loss! Congrats. :)

That park looks so beautiful. I don't even want to talk about the pizza. It's bad enough that I had to see it. OMG, looks so good. Like, it hurts me it looks so good.

2BIG said...

woo hoo on the healtheir smaller Vickie and eating. Even on a no points day you seem to be in points control.
Soon even though you don't want to have to count points for ever you will just know what points go where and you will be amazed that not counting all day and then writing it down at night to check you were right on target. that is the way Atkins carb counting becomes for Atkineers after about a yr doing it correctly and I'm sure those doing WW points will tell you the same.

Joann said...

OMGosh!! I'm NOT a pizza girl, but that pizza looks GOOOOOD!!! Not sure why I thought you lived north of me, Hmmm!! I love San Diego, too.... will call you for lunch next time I'm there!!