Sunday, October 14, 2012

Weekend update

So today is day three of our weekend at Disneyland. It's been an amazing weekend of enjoying the parks and hanging out with friends!

I honestly haven't tracked or counted points all weekend.

Club 33 was a wonderful experience! The food was incredible. The service was stellar, and the time of conversation and laughter with friends was priceless!

We met these friends through an iPhone app called MouseWait. (It's also available for android) If you're a Disneyland fan I highly recommend this app. It's free and we have met so many new friends via the app!

Today we will spend the day in the Disneyland parks and then head home and back to the real world tonight.

It's been the best weekend I've had in a while!!


WWSuzi said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun!
Great pic's

Joy said...

You are such a cute couple. Sounds like you had a great time!!

Keep focused!!!