Sunday, March 22, 2009

My living room is still a mess. But, we're gettting closer to getting it done. I'm less than thrilled with the arrangement we're ending up with but it's the way Vern wants it and I can live with it. The TV and other entertainment stuff is all up and connected so today we can concentrate on arranging the furniture and putting the rest of the room back together.

I am learning not to nag or hover when Vern is putting things together but lucky for me, I have an assistant! Agnes was on the job, overseeing it all and making sure he was doing it right! You gotta love a well trained cat!

My menu is a bit harder for me to blog because, first of all, I didn't take pictures like I normally do. And secondly, I have to estimate some of it. I did manage to snap a photo of my brunch meal. This was breakfast but we didn't eat until noon, so I am calling it brunch. It was 1 cup of diced potatoes, "fried" in a nonstick skillet with a light spray of cannola oil cooking spray, three scrambled egg whites, and a fruit salad made with one cup of cantaloupe chunks, one half cup of thawed blueberries, and a half of a banana. I made a dressing out of three tablespoons of fat free sour cream mixed with a little stevia, cinnamon and vanilla. This was delicious! Add my coffee creamer earlier in the morning and it's 6.5 points for the morning.

Later in the day, Vern had a gig and I went over to have dinner with my family. They had called earlier in the day and invited me and I just couldn't say no. So, dinner was a BBQ'd pork rib and a large salad of mixed lettuce with a tablespoon ranch dressing. Not the best dinner but I think I did well with damage control. I figured this dinner at 10 points.

I also had some popcorn for a snack and a bowl of cereal later in the evening. My estimates put me at somewhere around 23 points for the day. I'm not completely confident in the accuracy of this but I think it's close enough for me to know that I did okay overall.

One last picture....just because it makes me smile to se this adorable child! This is my sweet Autumn. She and her beloved companion, Browno-Whiteo, hanging with the grown-ups at my parents' house after dinner.

Now...on to putting the room back together. We are even skipping church this morning to get it done. I'll be taking all my pictures today for my menu choices.


Anonymous said...

I think you did good food wise today - you can't give up bbq ribs the rest of your life!

Your granddaughter is adorable!

Carla said...

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !